Refuel before heading back to Eden Island

When you rent a boat in the Seychelles, it is necessary to return the boat with a full tank of fuel. To assist you in this process, here are two petrol stations located near the marina:

Marine Charte Association: This petrol station is approximately 4 miles away from the marina, and it takes around 50 minutes to reach it. Make sure to plan your route accordingly and allow enough time to refuel your boat before returning it to the marina.
Gasolio: Located about 2.5 miles away from the marina, this petrol station can be reached in approximately 30 minutes. Take note of its location and opening hours to ensure you have sufficient time to refuel your boat before returning it to the marina.
It is essential to consider these distances and travel times when planning your return to the marina. Remember to allocate enough time to reach one of these petrol stations and ensure the boat's fuel tank is completely filled before your arrival.

Returning the boat with a full tank is an important requirement to ensure a smooth transition for the next renters and maintain the quality of service. Therefore, make sure to plan accordingly and return the boat with a full tank of fuel to the marina.